Research Progress



Log 7


Wrapping Up the Program

17-July-2022 - 29-July-2022

This week I only have a short update as the program is wrapping up. I am currently working on creating a final presentation and paper for George and I's project this summer. Once these two items are complete, George and I plan on continuing to work with Ariel to accomplish two main items. The first main item is to put together a final publishable manucript that we will submit to a conference and the second main item is to start thinking about a new question related to tournament design. This new question, which Ariel pitched today, seems quite interesting and could lead to some fruitful research!

Finally, as I reflect on my summer at DIMACS, I can say that I had a great time as a participant of the program. I recieved amazing mentorship from Ariel and had the opportunity to learn good deal about Auction Theory. I strongly encourage other undergraduates to apply to future iterations of the DIMACS summer REU program!

© Vikram Kher's DIMACS 2022 Site. This work was carried out while I was a participant in the 2022 DIMACS REU program at Rutgers University, supported by NSF grant CCF-1852215. Designed by HTML Codex