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Home Institution: | New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Project Topic: | Dynamical Systems |
Title: Identifying Bifurcations for Combinatorial Dynamical Systems
Week 1 (May 24 - 31)
We started off the program with our orientation by Lazaros, which I thought was really helpful in contextualizing what the program expected of us as well as what it provided us, and HTML Workshop with Parker. I also had a meeting with Marcio Gameiro, Ewerton Viera, and William Coello which really helped me understand and digest my topic while also making me aware of which direction I was supposed to be heading. My first step was just reviewing the materials given to me, a powerpoint, a paper, and a recorded talk about the subject. Concurrently, I downloaded the software the team created, Dynamic Signatures Generated by Regulatory Networks (DSGRN). I also started creating my short presentation for our introduction talks on our topics. In regards to the social aspect of the program, I helped create our participant Discord server with Delta. Meeting with everyone and talking about our shared interests in research as well as in other subjects has been refreshing even though it was all online. I hope to get more in the weeds of my research in the coming week.
I appreciate the work that both my mentors, Konstantin Mischaikow and Marcio Gameiro, did for me all throughout the summer. My work was carried out as a participant in the 2021 DIMACS REU program at Rutgers University, supported by NSF HDR TRIPODS award CCF-1934924.