General Information

Student: Subhay Manandhar
Office: CoRE 434
School: Howard University
E-mail: subhay.manandhar@bison.howard.edu
Project: Analyzing Railroad Accident using Geographic Informaition Systems

Project Description:

My project includes analyzing railroad accidents across the United States Region. The analysis maily includes visualizing the railroad accidents and its causes to find out any relations or trends between the accidents.

Weekly Log

Week 1:
Arrived at Rutgers University. Met with my mentor, Dr. Williams. Read research papers on railroad accidents to understand the goal of this research. This research is a continuation of the research done last summer in DIMACS. So, I went through previous research findings to familiarize myself with the findings. Prepared a introductory presentation
Week 2:
Gathered the railroad accident data sets from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration. We decided to use QGIS for data viewing, editing, and analysis. I spent this week learning to use QGIS application.
Week 3:
Started to edit the datasets containing the railroad accidents according to the location vectors, accidents type, temperature, and hazardous spills. Prepared a set of data ready to use fitting the QGIS format.
Week 4:
Plotted and visualized the railroad accidents caused by grade crossing and sun kinks.


Additional Information