General Information

Student: Sofiia Kotsiubynska
Office: CoRE 448
School: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
Contact: sofiak0423@gmail.com
Project: k-Stanley conjecture
Collaborators: Volodymyr Kuznietsov
Mentor: Swee Hong Chan

I am a part of a group of students from Charles University that includes Ben Bencik, Adam Dzavoronok, Guillermo Gamboa, Jelena Glisic, Robert Jaworski, Tymur Kotkov, Todor Antić, Julia Krizanova, Volodymyr Kuznietsov, Tymofii Reizin, Jakub Sosovicka, Filip Uradnik, and Patrik Zavoral.

Project Description

Research Log

Week 1 (05/28-05/31)

  • We arrived at Rutgers University on May 28. The following day, we had an introduction day, and on May 30, I met with my supervisor, Dr. Chan, for the first time. We discussed three problems, and I began my work by familiarizing myself with them. On Saturday, we took a trip to New York City.
  • Week 2 (06/03-06/07)

  • First half of the second week was spent to read a paper about the Stanley inequality. On Monday was a meeting with a supervisor where he explained how to make slides better, then on Tuesday was a presentation of students' projects that they are going to work with. The second half of the week was spent on proving some trivial cases, such as a case where N0 is not 0. The case N0 is 0, but all Ni where 1<i<k-1 are non-zero, gave a new inequality that allows to disprove Stanley's inequality. I also tryed to apply lattice pathes to k-Stanley. Professor gave an exercise to show how to obtain k-Stanley inequality from Cross-product conjecture. The first half of the second week was dedicated to reading a paper on the Stanley inequality. On Monday, there was a meeting with my supervisor who offered guidance on improving my slides for future presentation. The following day, Tuesday, featured presentations of student projects they planned to work on. The latter half of the week involved proving some trivial cases, such as when N0 is not zero. The scenario where N0 is zero, but all Ni for 1<i<k-1 are non-zero, led to a new inequality that could potentially disprove Stanley's inequality. I also attempted to apply lattice paths to the k-Stanley inequality. The professor assigned an exercise to demonstrate how the k-Stanley inequality could be derived from the Cross-product conjecture.
  • Week 3 (06/10-06/14)

  • We discussed the proof of the Stanley inequality and connection between the Cross-product conjecture and k-Stanley inequality with Dr. Chan. The next step involved conducting simulations to identify a poset that might not satisfy the inequality. I spent Saturday and Sunday in New York with my friend exploring some museums.
  • Week 4 (06/17-06/21)

  • This week we wrote a code and started checking the posets on width 2 and width 3.
  • Week 5 (06/24-06/28)

  • Simulations helped to understand the problem better and to obtain some new inequalities. We tried to check the inequality with simulations, but we could not find a counterexample. I checked posets on width 2 and I found some relations between different posets. This made me think that the conjecture is true for width 2 posets.
  • Week 6 (07/01-07/05)

  • The supervisor returned from his research trip back from China and Canada, we could discuss our results. We obtained an upper and lower bound for the ratio between consecutive Nk.
  • Week 7 (07/08-07/12)

  • We tried to prove the conjecture inductively, using some sums of posets, it could help to construct a big range of posets. Our supervisor recommended to consider parallel and series sum. For series sum the conjecture is trivial. For the parralel sum we could prove only if you add one element since it is much harder. For the case when we add a 2-elements chain it was too complicated. On Monday we had a trip to Nokia bell labs, later that week I went on a boat trip around New York.
  • Week 8 (07/15-07/18)

  • This was the last week of the research, where we presented our results. We have not obtained any other useful results.
  • Acknowledgements

  • This work was carried out while the author Sofiia Kotsiubynska was a participant in the 2024 DIMACS REU program, supported by CoSP, a project funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant agreement No. 823748.
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