Rhett Olson

Rhett Olson

Rutgers University DIMACS REU 2024 Participant

Home Institution: University of Minnesota

Personal Email, Personal website, Github

Project Title: Truth Learning in a Social and Adversarial Setting

Mentor: Professor Jie Gao

Truth Learning in a Social and Adversarial Setting

In today's world, we have easy access to extensive information, from many sources. Intuitively we feel that incorporating many sources of information can lead us to take informed actions. However, we need to be intelligent about how we the information we see to avoid becoming biased towards opinions that initially seem popular. This project aims to improve our understanding of how social networks aggregate information. We focus on how to avoid problems like "herding", where the agents make decisions based solely on what a few earlier agents' opinions, ignoring their own observations. Even if agents in a network undergoing herding are still choosing an opinion that is more likely than not to be correct, once they start ignoring their own observations, they stop sharing their individual observations, which prevents the group from further reducing uncertainty. We also aim to study how to aggregate information in a way that is robust against adversarial agents, who might try to deliberately spread false information to the network.



Timeline of Progress

Presentation Slides

  • June 3rd, Problem Overview Presentation
  • June 20th, Culture Day Presentation about Minnesota
  • July 2nd, flash presentation given for visitors from the NYC Discrete Math REU.
  • Acknowledgements

    This work made possible by the Rutgers DIMACS REU program. Thank you to faculty and staff who work to keep the program running. Thank you as well to the National Science Foundation for funding this project through the grant CNS-2150186 and the REU supplement to NSF 2208663 -Collaborative Research: AF: Small: Promoting Social Learning Amid Interference in the Age of Social Media. Thank you as well to Professor Jie Gao for her help and leadership on this project.

    Side Quests

    In this section I will talk about random stuff I did/thought about while living in and exploring the area around Piscataway, NJ

    Basketball Improvement Tracker

    I have played very little basketball in the last 7 years, but I've started playing with other REU participants and other people in the College Avenue Gym. Here is where I plan to keep track of my improvement

    Destination Dogs Menu Item Ratings

    I've started going somewhat regularly to a sports pub in New Brunswick called Destination Dogs. Here I am going to keep track of my opinions on various menu items I've tried.