General Information

my photo
Student: Robert Jaworski
Office: CoRE 417
School: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
Contact: robert.jaworski@rutgers.edu
Project: Understanding a platform's strategic entry into the marketplace
Mentor: Xintong Wang

I am part of a group of students from Charles University which includes Todor Antić, Ben Benčík, Adam Džavoronok, Guillermo Gamboa, Jelena Glisic, Sofiia Kotsiubynska, Júlia Križanová, Volodymyr Kuznietsov, Tymofii Reizin, Jakub Šošovička, Filip Úradník, and Patrik Zavoral.

Project Description

The goal of this project is to understand possible motivation behind a platform's entry into its marketplace. For example: What leads Amazon to launch Amazon Basics products?

To do this we will use data provided by Keepa and unsurpervised learning.

See this presentation for additional information.

Research Log

Week 1 (5/28-5/31)

Week 2 (6/3-6/7)

Week 3 (6/10-6/14)

Week 4 (6/17-6/21)

Week 5 (6/24-6/28)

Week 6 (7/1-7/5)

Week 7 (7/8-7/12)

Week 8 (7/15-7/19)

This is happening right now.

Week 9 (7/22-7/26)

Since I am unable to see the future, I do not know what will happen.



This work was carried out while the author, Robert Jaworski, was a participant in the 2024 DIMACS REU program at Rutgers University, CNS-2150186. The author was supported by CoSP, a project funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant agreement No. 823748.

duck The duck infestation

Here, we investigate the duck infestation of DIMACS, fourth floor of the CoRE building.

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