Student: | OND![]() |
Office: | Co![]() |
School: | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University |
Contact: | ondrej.sladky (at) |
Project: | Division Game |
Collaborators: | Tomas Cizek, Ondrej Chwiedziuk and Volodymyr Kuznietsov |
Mentor: | Bhargav Narayanan |
I am part of a group of students from Charles University that includes Ondrej Chwiedziuk, Tomas Cizek, Barbora Dohnalova, Jiri Kalvoda, Kyrylo Karlov, Volodymyr Kuznietsov, Gaurav Kucheriya, Josef Matejka, G. A. Gamboa Quintero and Jakub Petr.
We proved the theorem for a special class of games -- mirrored games. We proved the theorem for other special cases and disprooved several conjectures we had. We considered the generilization of the problem to cases where the two players take non necesarilly the same number of coins and we found out closed formulas for the result for games in which Alice or Bob take only one coin.
During the weekend we visited New York, to see the Statue of Liberty and a musical on Broadway.
We had our initial presentation. We formulated a conjecture about ranks that is stronger than the original conjecture. Later we disproved the conjecture and formulated its weaker version about sums of pair a,b and b,a games. We proved induction step from odd to even.
We visited Baltimore and Washington D.C.
We attended the Workshop on Modern Techiniques in Graph Algorithms. We proved the conjecture about sums for a=2. We formulated intuitive lemmata about threshold -- if a player keeps a coin in an optimal strategy they want to keep all the coins with higher value in the same situation -- and about exchanging a coin for a one with higher value. With this all Alice's optimal strategies fall into one of 256 categories and using computer we've shown that if Alice can win, her strategy must fall into only 6 out of these 256 categories. At the end of the week using all this we were able to prove the conjecture about sums for a=3.
We again visited New York.
We spent the beginning of the week trying to generalize the proof for larger a. Later during the week, when we tried to formally write the proof for a=3, it turned out that there were several of by one errors in some of the algebraic manipulations which were part of the proof. We were able to fix some of them using a different idea for the proof.
We visited Philadelphia.
We spend time on the proof for a=3. After fixing other mistakes in algebraic manipulations, we were able to get the proof for cases when Alice's threshold is not among the middle four values. Unfortunately we were not able to cover those in all cases of Alice's possible responses.
We went for a round trip to Canada, mostly to see Niagara Falls and Toronto.
We read Bhargav's notes on the problem. We then focused on lattices of solutions, trying to think about playing Division game on these lattices. We proved the theorem for two types of coins and disproved conjecture about games with duplicated coins.
We continued the work on lattices, defined the cuts and using computer we were able to proof the theorem for at most 10 coins. At the end of the week we focused again on "massacre of Alice's strategies" (our original approach to case with a=3) as we realized that it could be simplified. Unfortunately this was without a success as we were able to proof that Bob is not fine with setting his threshold the same as Alice's, on which the massacre relied. We generalized massacre, but unfortunately too many Alice's strategies survived and we were not able to do any progress with it.
We once again visited New York to see The Book of Mormon on Broadway.
We spent the week mostly by wrapping our notes up, and by preparing our presentation. We proved the case with at most three types of coins. We had our final presentation.
We once again visited New York to see The Book of Mormon on Broadway.