As I started my REU program, I experienced an interesting range of students and a cheerful and helpful staff. The orientation was conducted and afterwards I met with my advisor Dr. Nelson. We discussed our plans for the summer, along with my partner for the research, Bishwa Silwal. Dr. Nelson guided our plans for the coming days in respect to our preparation for our presentation in the next week. I observed previous research papers and completed my literature review, throughout the process, meeting with my partner and mentor to update on progess and construct our presentation. We defined our project goals, continued readings on important documents, and included recent security attacks which suggested certain security focuses.
At the beginning of the week, (June 5) we conducted our first presentation to the faculty and students. We met with our mentor the next day about updates and experiment preparation talk, including the factors we would be testing. We began construction on materials for the experimentation, also taking note of experimentation trial length, methodology, and representation of results. Finally, we discussed our plans for our first test (pilot) experiment. For my individual work, I continued reading literary papers, attending meetings relating to my project, and developing my webpage.
At a good pace, we met with Dr. Nelson daily to discuss additional information regarding our WTMD process. We finished the construction of our experimentation materials and used them to brainstorm the possible pathways for which we will include in our experiments. On the side, we did additional discussions on how our experimention should go, including trials and factors and looking into representation of results, researching visualitation concepts for after our experiments are complete.
For this week, after receiving two of our WTMDs, we began playing around with them to confirm proper operation. After confirming this, we performed our pilot experiments and payed attention to the results. We experienced interesting detections as we demonstrated diverse walking patterns according to the grid system we developed. After performing these experiments for most of the week, Bishwa and I met with Dr. Nelson to discuss the pilot experiment, and set the system for which our actual experiments will be composed of. Settling every factor included and calculating the length of time to complete the experiments, we prepared to start our actual experimentation for the next coming weeks.
This was an interesting week for me and my partner. We started our experiments doing them for most of Monday and Tuesday. For Wednesday and Thursday, we took a trip to MetLife stadium to do some data collection, research, and testing. Wednesday specifically, we did data collection concerning the movement of patrons during the security screenings before the U2 event. Thursday, we helped perform testing on a certain security system in which the stadium could benefit from. Friday was our IBM trip and it was rewarding and overall a wonderful day.
More Experiments .....
Attending our weekly seminar and graduate panel.
More experimentation took place for most of the week. A highlight was our visit to a specific location to assist in the testing of a drone software, which could be used for large stadium venues. We examined ways to analyze and display our results. In addition, we were selected to present first thursday for final presentations. Through performing experiments, we constructed our final presentation with Dr. Nelson. We gave our talk to the students and faculty thursday morning, and it went great, in addition, listening to some other interesting research presentations. All the students had their last meeting together to end off the 'researching phase' of the program. Afterwards, we planned for the other materials required to complete for the program.
For this week we wanted to begin experimenting with the next WTMD, however we halted from performing them to brainstorm a solution for our grid system. We finished our last pathway for the previous WTMD. The previous WTMD and the next were different dimensions and required some thinking to keep the consistency in the experimentation. We presented our final presentation to the CCICADA research team on Thursday, finishing our presentation talks for the summer.
Finishing some required documents for the program, I began first thing in the week with my evaluation of the summer. I completed it shortly and immediately after, writing my final report on the project that we researched this summer, sharing our conclusions, methodology, descriptions, and other important information. We completed the report and sent it in as well. Lastly, we continued our experiments for another WTMD for the remainder of the week, taking in the grid modification we brainstormed about last week. We finished the experiments we planned to, and afterwards met with our mentor for our last meeting of the program. We discussed future plans, presentation talks for our research, and other material to attend to after the program.
Our research will be focusing on WTMDs (Walk Through Metal Detectors) and their use in Stadiums. Large Stadiums have increased their security in recent years, with some major sports leagues in the US requiring WTMDs. These WTMDs prevent metallic objects commonly used as weapons from entering important stadium events. Through experimentation, we'll be examining multiple factors to understand if and how they affect the detection of stadium contraband. I will be working with research partner Bishwa Silwal under the guidance of Dr. Christie Nelson.