General Information

Student: Josef Matějka
Office: CoRE 434
School: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
Contact: josef.matejka@rutgers.edu
Project: Optimal Steiner trees for regular simplices
Mentor: Karthik Srikanta
Collaborators: G.A. Gamboa Quintero and Jakub Petr

I am part of a group of students from Charles University that includes Ondrej Chwiedziuk, Tomas Cizek, Barbora Dohnalova, Jiri Kalvoda, Kyrylo Karlov, Volodymyr Kuznietsov, Gaurav Kucheriya, G.A. Gamboa Quintero, Jakub Petr and Ondrej Sladky.

Project Description

For a given finite set of points in a metric space find a network which connects all points of the set with minimal length. Such a network must be a tree, which is called a Steiner Tree and it may contain vertices other than the points which are to be connected. Such points are called Steiner points. It is open to find (and prove) the minimum cost Steiner tree even for highly structured point-sets, such as when the input points form a regular simplex. We will try to address this question.

Research Log

Week 1 (05/06-09/06)

I started by getting familiar with the notions, terminology and main results involving our topic of research, as well as preparing a presentation introducing the project to the whole REU2023 group. I also met with my supervisor to establish a work plan and determine which notions are the most important for me to focus on and understand.

Week 2 (12/06-16/06)

This week I decided to attend the Workshop on Modern Techniques in Graph Algorithms, therefore I focus a bit less on the research. The workshop was helpful, I have seen the recent results from the graph algorithm - the paper and techniques were inspiring. We also had two meetings with the mentor, we received recommended reading and some ideas how we can proceed with the project.

Week 3 (19/06-23/06)

After the long weekend we got right back into the research. After we realized how small is the knowledge about Steiner trees in Euclidean d-space we started listing all the way we could improve this knowledge. We had stated few conjectures we wish to prove this (or next week).

Week 4 (26/06-30/06)

We went over the results for regular simplexes with terminals ranging from 3 to 12, we focused on change in coordinates of existing steiner points after one terminal is added. We have conjectured and later proved how Steiner point behave after doubling the number of terminals. We also had another look at APTC measure.

Week 5 (03/07-07/07)

We went over the results for regular simplexes with terminals ranging from 3 to 12, we focused on change in coordinates of existing steiner points after one terminal is added. We have conjectured and later proved how Steiner point behave after doubling the number of terminals. We also had another look at APTC measure.

Week 6 (10/07-14/07)

We focused on showing optimality of cnjectured topology in terms of APTC. Also we started to give more attention to our notes in Latex, we started going over them and fixing them.


This work was carried out while the author Josef Matějka was a participant in the 2023 DIMACS REU program, supported by CoSP, a project funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant agreement No. 823748.