General Information

Student: Jerel Roane
Office: 450
School: Morgan State University
E-mail: Jeroa2@morgan.edu
Project: Advanced Mathematics Note-Taking

Project Description

My research project will be on students' note taking in their advanced mathematics courses. We would like to be able to answer the following questions at the end: (1) To what extent are students' notes just copies of what the professor writes on the blackboard? (2) To what extent do students add something that was not written on the blackboard? (3) Do students omit some of what is written on the blackboard? If so, what do they omit? (4) Do students paraphrase what is written on the blackboard?

Weekly Log

Week 1:Completed readings for me to better understand my research topic. One of the papers were about educational psychologist The ICAP Framework: Linking Cognitive Engagement to Active Learning Outcomes by Michelene T.H. Chi & Ruth Wylie. This paper introduces the four different modes of engagement and cognitive outcomes. The four different levels are passive, active, constructive and interactive.
Week 2:Completed more readings about my research topic. The second paper was about Lectures in advanced mathematics: Why students might not understand what the mathematics professor is trying to convey by Kristen Lew, Tim Fukawa-Connelly, Juan Pablo Mejia-Ramos and Keith Weber. Two of the factors they identify are students would not develop complete comprehension of the lecture and students did not record what was orally stated.
Week 3:Completed CITI training (training to do human subjects research) and become acquainted with data. Give a presentation on my research topic and talk about the goals we are trying to accomplish. Had a discussion with my mentor on how he wanted me to code each lecture. Set up my website for the REU program.
Week 4:Coding the first and second lecture of data, discussing the coding process and resolving ambiguities.
Week 5:Coding the third and fourth lecture of data, discussing the coding process and resolving ambiguities.
Week 6:Coding the fifth and sixth lecture of data, discussing the coding process and resolving ambiguities.
Week 7:Coding the seventh lecture of data, discussing the coding process and resolving ambiguities. Converted all my data into an excel file to help better understand the data. Completed my final presentation and discussing the results I found.
Week 8:Reviewing my results and findings to help me write my paper. Correcting any errors on my excel file to be able to present accurate results.
Week 9: Writing my final report.