Filip Úradník

I’m a Bachelor student of Computer Science at MFF UK. For more info about me, take a look at my CV, either in Czech or English, or visit my personal website.

Contact me

My office is in the CoRE building, room 434.

You can also send me an email or contact me on Matrix.

Truth Learning in Social and Adversarial Setting

At REU 2024, I work on Truth Learning in a Social and Adversarial Setting with Julia Križanová, Rhett Olson, and Amanda Wang. Our mentor is Professor Jie Gao. We further collaborate with Kevin Lu.

Project Description

Let G = \left( V,E \right) be a directed multigraph representing a network of n := |V| agents. Let q \in (0,1) and p \in (\frac 12, 1). We have a ground truth \theta \sim \text{Ber}(q), which the agents are trying to learn. Each agent v has some private information s_v, which can have values 0 or 1, such that \text{Pr}[s_v = 1 \;|\; \theta = 1] = \text{Pr}[s_v = 0 \;|\; \theta = 0] = p. The variables \{s_v \;|\; v \in V\} are independent given \theta. Each agent v makes a prediction a_v of the ground truth according to a decision ordering, where predictions are based on both private information and the predictions of in-neighbors earlier in the ordering. We denote the sequence of all private signals as s = (s_v \;|\; v \in V).

We consider a majority vote setting, where an agent v in some given ordering \sigma can see the neighbourhood N = \{u \;|\; uv \in E \land \sigma(u) < \sigma(v) \}, and chooses an action a_v = \begin{cases} 1 & \frac 1{|N|+1}(\sum_{n \in N} a_n + s_v) > \frac 12, \\ 0 & \frac 1{|N|+1}(\sum_{n \in N} a_n + s_v) < \frac 12,\\ s_v & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases}

The goal of our project is to find out, if it is NP-hard to decide, whether there exists an ordering of the agents \sigma, such that the expected error they make is small, or in other words, \mathbb{E}_{\theta, s} \left[ \frac{\sum_{v \in V}^{} {[a_v \neq \theta]}}{n} \right] < \varepsilon.

Week log


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 823748.


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Hązła, Jakub, Ali Jadbabaie, Elchanan Mossel, and Mohammad Ali Rahimian. 2019. “Reasoning in Bayesian Opinion Exchange Networks Is PSPACE-Hard.” In Conference on Learning Theory, 1614–48. PMLR.