General Information

Student: Evaristo Rodriguez
Office: 450 CoRE
School: San Digeo City College
E-mail: e.vary.sto@hotmail.com
Project: Statistics research in the Cardiovascular Institute

Project Description

I will be working with my revered mentors : Dr. Javier Cabrera, Dr John Kostis and Dr William Kostis for the summer. The project will be focused on making a shiny app by utilizing RStudio. The cardiovascular institute will provide research, education, and patient care information. Brining together clinicians and scientists to conduct studies using medical claims data sets. The main challenge to create data analysis data sets is that it requires both statistical and medical expertise. Medical doctors give a list of billing quotes, called ICD, however; this part is manually input, is very time consuming, and increases the possibility for errors. This makes it difficult for the medical team to clearly asses the data, which is why the shinny app will help this process by helping the doctors getting a better diagnosis and being more efficient in every way by eliminating the possibility for manually input data errors, being a fast resource, and a trusted app.

Weekly Log

Week 1: (May 30 - June 1, 2018)
This First week was basically an introduction for the program for me, I got to meet everyone involved in this years REU. I also managed to meet with my mentors in the cardiovascular institute and began to disccus our plan for this summer project. For this week I needed to start learning a completely new programing language called "R". Programming language that I had never used before. And I need to practice R for several days in order to start working on the shiny app.
Week 2:(June 4 - June 8, 2018)
For the seond week of the program we had to do our first presentation of the program. Presentation in which we had to explain our proyect to everyone. After doing the presentation I could start working again in my proyect and kept studying R. After getting to learn the basics of R, I could talk to my mentors to ask them to give me a TO DO list to start helping with the shiny app. Now I could start working on the UI of the shiny app to make everythink look more user friendly.
Week 3:(June 11 - June 15, 2018)
For this third week of the program I managed to start working on the UI of the shiny application. By start utilizing shiny dashboard I made the shiny app a little bit more user friendly. But my goal for this neext week is to get finished with how the application looks, and start working on the other part of the application.
Week 4:(June 18 - June 22, 2018)
In this week I managed to finish with the final touches that I could make to the interface of the shiny app. I managed to get the app to look more user friendly by the utilization of the shiny dashboard package in R. With shiny dashboard I got to make the data tables look better, as well as to insert the cardiovascular institute logo, to make everything look more organized and more professional. At least for now this interface looks good and I can start working on the second part of the application this next weekend.
Week 5:(June 25- June 29, 2018)
For this week I started working on the second part of this application. But first, in order to start working on the second part of the app, I needed to complete the CITI Program and get my certification, in order to be able to work with real patient data. After obtaining my CITI certification I got acces to real patient data and gained acces to the server of the cardio vascular institute to be able to work on the shiny application. For the second part of the application I'm trying to make the shiny app to be able to utilize the data given with the ICD-9 codes, that we have already generated with what we have of the app now. The data we have right now is what we are calling mapping data, and this is going to be utilized with the comorbid function in R to convert it into binary data, and be able to find a way to find all the patient data that can relate to the ICD-9 codes we want.
Week 6:(July 2- July 6)
In this week we started working on the second stage of the app in which we are going to be utilizing real patient data. With the help of my mentors I was able to understand what was needed to be done next. First we are going to create a mapping file utilizing what we already have of the app. And when having the mapping file, our app will be asking for the user to upload the mapping file, in order to convert the mapping file, into binary variables and search in all of the millions of patients data in the hospital server. And when it comes to find data that concedes wiht the one we were searchign for in the mapping file, it will be needed to be converted into the correct format we want, by utilizing the comorbid function of the ICD package in Rstudio. We are still working on making this conversion from the comorbif function and will keep working on it on the next week.
Week 7:
Week has not finished yet
Week 8:
Week has not finished yet
Week 9:
Week has not finished yet


Additional Information