DIMACS Research Experience for Undergraduates Program

Deadline for Applications: January 15, 1998

DIMACS invites applications for a NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. DIMACS is one of 25 Science and Technology Centers funded by the NSF. It is located at Rutgers University, and is a joint project of Rutgers, Princeton, AT&T Labs, Bell Labs, and Bellcore. DIMACS has over 120 permanent members in mathematics, computer science, and operations research, and hosts many distinguished visitors each year.

The program begins with eight weeks of intensive work during the summer of 1998; students are strongly encouraged to continue their projects during the academic year 1998-1999. We expect that ten to twelve undergraduates will be selected to participate. Each will have a DIMACS faculty member as a supervisor. Research topics this year may include modeling the 3D-structure of DNA, decision-making under uncertainty, simulations of mobile robot navigation, and computational group theory. More topics will be posted on the proposed projects page as mentors become available. The eight weeks during the summer will take place at Rutgers from June 8 to August 3. A stipend of approximately $2600 will be provided as well as travel and housing.

Applicants should be undergraduates with a major in Computer Science, Mathematics, or a closely related field. They should be current juniors (graduating in 1999), although sophomores with exceptionally strong backgrounds will be considered. Preference will be given to students who will continue their research projects during the academic year, under the direction of either their supervisor or a faculty member from their home institution. Under NSF rules, only U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents are eligible to receive stipends. Women, minorities, and disabled students are encouraged to apply.

For a plaintext copy of this announcement, list of supervisors and projects, and an application, send an email message to reuappl@dimacs.rutgers.edu (material will be sent automatically), or write to:

REU program
DIMACS, Core 406, Busch campus
Rutgers University
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1179
Phone: 908-445-5928
Fax: 908-445-5932
Email: center@dimacs.rutgers.edu
For more information about the program or the research projects, please contact Robert Hochberg (program coordinator), at hochberg@dimacs.rutgers.edu

Document last modified on January 21, 1997.